All Products 19 R5 HF1 - Fixed bugs

Reference Summary Fixed also with
ACI0103041 'SCREEN COORDINATES' should return unscaled working area origin even after setting the system scale facto to 125% of the main screen 19 R6
ACI0103045 Emails from SMTP Transporter, or MIME export from 4D Write Pro doesn't work correctly when there is a picture attached: unexpected duplication of it. 19 R6 19.3 HF2
ACI0103061 Display format "##.##.####" for input field of type text shows commas instead of dots when switching place holder compatibility setting on and off. 19 R6 19.4
ACI0103079 High DPI issues with images on Windows system scaling different than 100%. 19 R6
ACI0103082 Sometimes, HTTP Requests behind reverse proxy are rejected with an unexpected error 400 (bad request). 19 R6 19.3 HF2
ACI0103089 In a 4D Write Pro document, most links may not work if there is a table in the document.
ACI0103091 IMAP Transporter ".move()" command often fails when using 4D. 19 R6 19.3 HF2