All Products 19.3 HF2 - Fixed bugs

Reference Summary Fixed also with
ACI0100583 Same Certificates are repeated in the openSSL certificate chain, when you stop and then, start the web server. 19 R5 19 R6
ACI0100883 4D Write pro: After converting a 4D Write file, the reference «Year of([Courriers]DateCreation):Système date court» changes into «String(Year of([Courriers]DateCreation);1)» and reproduces error 8 after showing the references
ACI0101062 The CONFIRM window needs a bit more height
ACI0101904 Combobox in project mode does not have drop events. 19 R6
ACI0102284 4D Write Pro: The last ¶ is not there in the bookmark range when adding a text after it 19 R6
ACI0102323 Rich Text Area. Not Focusable button make the white background to not be saved
ACI0102324 'OBJECT SET STYLE SHEET' doesn't modify the font. 19 R6
ACI0102344 In 4D database FR, in method properties: "uniquement utilisé dans les projets compilées" is not well translated to french
ACI0102490 Only with 4D FR language, when using the "WA démarrer hors écran" command, 4D doesn't recognize the function, it is considered as a variable.
ACI0102522 Some constants are not recognized by the method editor because of an apostrophe (" ' ") in their name (Problem only in French localization). 19 R6
ACI0102528 4D Write Pro: The "wk text color" option does not change the link color 19 R6
ACI0102587 4D Application becomes unresponsive after a Mac Silicon wake from sleep 19 R6
ACI0102712 Comment a recently pasted text in the method editor may lead to a crash.
ACI0102722 4D Write Pro: Cursor moves in Header and Footer of 4D Write Pro area when showing/hiding references 19 R6
ACI0102767 Using the 'GOTO OBJECT' command in a background process affects focus in foreground process 19 R6
ACI0102827 The "Find" in Structure option doesn't work properly
ACI0102933 When column is boolean type in LB collection but cell is undefined or blank, clicking on a checkbox will throw in String not Boolean 19 R6
ACI0102970 Drop-down lists associated with an object no longer work 19 R5
ACI0102993 ZIP folder is missing in zip.root.folders 19 R6
ACI0103003 Compile project() returns wrong variable type values for Text, Pointer, and Picture. 19 R5 19 R6
ACI0103015 The MSC returns an error in dark mode
ACI0103019 4D Write Pro: Deleting the content of a cell in a table deletes the cell with the backspace key
ACI0103036 Quick Report: the preview button is unexpectedly grayed out on macOS
ACI0103043 4D Write Pro: problem with the export popup menu of the Writepro Toolbar, the menu is badly written in FR version
ACI0103045 Emails from SMTP Transporter, or MIME export from 4D Write Pro doesn't work correctly when there is a picture attached: unexpected duplication of it. 19 R6 19 R5 HF1
ACI0103068 When tab control is used to change pages, the inner text of an Input area is deactivated. 19 R6
ACI0103071 The extended character entry on Mac after a long press, does not work correctly anymore. 19 R6
ACI0103082 Sometimes, HTTP Requests behind reverse proxy are rejected with an unexpected error 400 (bad request). 19 R6 19 R5 HF1
ACI0103084 Non-enterable boolean input is enterable in a subform in project mode 19 R6
ACI0103091 IMAP Transporter ".move()" command often fails when using 4D. 19 R6 19 R5 HF1