All Products 19 R7 HF1 - Fixed bugs

Reference Summary Fixed also with
ACI0103533 Label editor: the text field in label editor has an unexpected grey background. 19 R8 19.5 HF2
ACI0103569 The 'RESTORE' command called with correct archive path and destination folder path, sometimes, waits for user input instead of automatically closing the restore dialog
ACI0103577 A query transformation of index to sequential search may generate a crash on composite index 19 R8 19.5 HF2
ACI0103579 Quick Report: if a table has invisible fields, added a field through the Quick Report dialog may select a wrong one 19 R8 19.5 HF2
ACI0103639 While compiling, unexpected "Internal error while compiling with clang" message may appear, even after clearing compiled code. 19 R8 19.5 HF2
ACI0103642 'HTTP Request' command behaviour between v19R and v19: no XML response with v19R sometimes 19 R8
ACI0103647 Compiled application crashes at start on a M1 Mac; no problem on an Intel Mac. 19 R8
ACI0103653 Since 19.5 HF1, Multi Criteria Query on indexed fields can be 400 times slower if all the data are on the cache 19 R8 19.5 HF2
ACI0103664 The 'Stop' button (a cross besides the progress bar) in the results window during a 'Find in Design' is missing ; it happens with the final 4D v19 R7 19 R8
ACI0103669 Unexpected compilation error "Couldn't find active developer tools" on M1 Mac (arm) can happen. 19 R8
ACI0103672 No error returned when a component method, set to execute in a non-preemptive mode, is called in a class function in compiled mode; client/server only. 19 R8
ACI0103681 Dialog "Failed to call xcode-select" when Xcode path contains a space character 19 R8