All Products 19 - Fixed bugs

Reference Summary Fixed also with
ACI0097691 Pop-up Menus and Drop-down Lists are not focusable and tabbable. 18.4 HF1
ACI0098296 The execution of 'HTTP Get command' may generate unexpectedly an error 403 (Forbidden). 18.4 HF1
ACI0098367 Reordering Fields in Quick Report Field Selection doesn't display them correctly 18.5 HF1
ACI0099046 The entry of accented 'combined' characters does not work correctly. E.i. when trying to enter the â (a circumflex) character, by typing '^ + a', the result does not give 'â' but '^ + a'. 19.6
ACI0099336 'RELATE ONE SELECTION' don't use correctly the parameter passed to 'SET FIELD RELATION'. 19 R2
ACI0099508 'GET PRINT OPTION' command: if the third parameter (optional) is missing (about Double-sided biding), an unexpected error arise instead of using the defaul value/configuration. 18.4 HF3
ACI0099816 Listbox issues when using Single-Click Edit mode with non-enterable columns and mutli-select mode enabled 18.4 HF1
ACI0100164 Since v17.x, depending printing margins, 'PRINT SELECTION' can take too much time to execute. 18.4 HF3
ACI0100769 4D Write Pro: In a 4D Write Pro Widget, using a method that has the 4D command 'WP Insert table' as an expression may lead 4D to a crash. 18.4 HF3
ACI0100864 After saving the label of a field with the font “3 of 9 barecode”, importing it leads to an unexpected errror "Error code: 555 (xmlc)". 18.5 HF1
ACI0100904 Local variables may unexpectedly lost their value when several processes are running. 18 R5 18 R6 18.4
ACI0100986 4D doesn't respond after browsing the expressions in a write pro document 18.4
ACI0101029 In a web area, 4D project methods called by using '$4d' fail to work when calling WA SET PAGE CONTENT the second time. 18 R6
ACI0101236 In the method editor, using the autocomplete functions may crash 4D after typing "END S" (to have "END SQL"). 18 R6
ACI0101247 The 4D command 'RESTORE' does not work on 4D Server when the database is registered as a service (headless mode). 18.4 HF3
ACI0101263 4D freezes after clicking on the menu "Copy" of the contextual menu of a 4D Write Pro imported document. 18.4 HF3
ACI0101285 Very slow loading of the converted view pro document (Converted from a view document) due to the length of formulas 18 R6
ACI0101348 'OPEN SETTINGS WINDOW' crashes application in 'Program Files' folder if folder "Settings" doesn't exist. 18.5 HF1
ACI0101378 Importing text file from the interface of 4D View Pro is not allowed. 18 R6 18.4
ACI0101397 In Label editor, when you use a form to print and uncheck the Auto Resize option, the column setting is ignored 18 R5 18.3 HF3
ACI0101405 If a OBJECT FIELD in an entity is copied (OB COPY) then that field is considered 'touched' 18 R6
ACI0101408 Since v18.x, 'HTTP SET OPTION' timeout may not be applied properly. 19 R4 19.2 18.6
ACI0101427 4D Write Pro - Widget: 4D Write Pro + widget panel (WP_Palette_stylesheets) brings errors 18.4
ACI0101432 When passing an object property as a parameter to the command "FIELD NAME", while compiling, it displays the following error message: "Too many parameters has been passed to this method". 18.4
ACI0101433 When you select a row via 'LISTBOX SELECT ROW' and select multiple rows by shift+click, the selected rows are not correct. 18.4 HF1
ACI0101434 Issue with the parameter 'length' in SQLBindParameter command call, when 4D sends through ODBC 18.4 HF1
ACI0101444 Error when converting documents using « 4D CONVERT FROM 4D VIEW » and Error code -10713 pop up 18.4 HF1
ACI0101446 On macOS 11.x (Big Sur), the keyboard shortcut Cmd+Period is not recognized. 18 R5 18.4
ACI0101456 Unexpected behavior when selecting a row in a listbox by click with 'Shift' arrow key after a query. 18.4 HF1
ACI0101465 The use of '@' as joker in 'set allowed methods' command is not supported in 4D View Pro. 18 R6 18.4
ACI0101468 Japanese IME is not disabled when a focusable but not enterable object has the focus (exemple: buttons, radio, checkbox, ...) 18 R6 18.4
ACI0101484 Use of object variables in a web service crashes the web service server 18 R6 18.4
ACI0101494 In binary mode, in listbox header property list, when selecting the Image source "File" 4D just closes unexpectedly. 18 R5 18 R6
ACI0101503 Rarely, 4D Server may crash while unziping a ".4DZ" file. 18 R6 18.4 HF2
ACI0101514 OB Instance of command fails on entityClass, Dataclass, EntitySelectionClass (Client/server mode)
ACI0101538 Renaming a form object can be overwritten when the renaming consists only in changing a character case. 18 R6 18.4
ACI0101539 Checking "Display this dialog at next startup": 4D won't display the connection dialog at next startup 18.4 HF1
ACI0101540 Checking data file doesn't work correctly on the client ; and impossible to read the report. 18.4 HF1
ACI0101541 In project mode, if you selecte boolean as type for column listbox, the display theme by default is checkbox but title property isn't displayed. 18 R6 18.4
ACI0101549 The drop-down list preview is not good on Big Sur 18.4
ACI0101553 Hang and High CPU usage with 'LAUNCH EXTERNAL PROCESS'. 18 R5 18 R6 18.4
ACI0101556 Error #5 is written in the log file when verifying an encrypted data file, for a table that is set "encryptable" but without records 18 R6 18.4
ACI0101563 VP Convert from 4D View does not convert 4D view document properly 18 R6 18.4
ACI0101570 After the execution of DELETE SELECTION command, index on an object field could be detected as corrupted by the MSC 18 R6 18.4
ACI0101575 Second copy of form object containing a method causes compilation error 18 R6 18.4
ACI0101578 The formula "Columnletter" of 4D View Pro without a parameter throws an error instead of returning the current column letter. 18 R6 18.4
ACI0101579 The conversion from 4D View to 4D View Pro of a 4D View reference returns an empty parenthesis instead of the reference 18 R6 18.4
ACI0101580 4D View Pro: If there is Bold and normal text in a cell, it becomes all bold when exporting the document to pdf. 18 R6 18.4 HF1
ACI0101581 The command 'WA OPEN WEB INSPECTOR' makes 4D to crash (embeddedEngineActivated) when uploading blank page or just a web area. 18 R6
ACI0101586 "Modified record" returns 'True' after a call to SAVE RECORD, in Client/Server context only. 18.4 HF1
ACI0101591 4D View Pro: Paste a copied or cut value from external application (,txt for example) by right click or ribbon not working as expected 19.1
ACI0101592 Since18 R2, the 4D Labels.4dbase component is no longer present in the Internal User Components folder of the Resources folder of the 64-bit 4D server. 18 R6
ACI0101593 Wrong interpretation of query operator "contains" (use of '@') as "is in list" (strict equality) in a compound query, loaded from disk into the Query editor, which leads to a different query result 18 R6 18.4 HF1
ACI0101600 Some network disconnections could happen when a reconnection is asked after a postponed. 18 R5 18 R6 18.4
ACI0101601 [Write Pro] - This.xx expressions that were inserted with an older version of Write Pro are not exported to docx (they are exported as values only) 18 R6
ACI0101606 4D View Pro: form events not executed when document is imported and toolbar is used 18 R6 18.4 HF1
ACI0101608 A 'Verify Data' after a 'Data Encryption' returns a wrong Error. 18 R5 18 R6 18.4
ACI0101610 Compiler error when using the command "Field name" while using a pointer to a field as parameter (ex: " $fn:=Field name($record.prtField) ", " $fn:=Field name(vp2->) ", ...) 18 R6 18.4
ACI0101611 In a Citrix configuration, when 4D Application is closed from the task bar, it isn't closed properly 18 R6 18.4
ACI0101622 4D Mobile: in the project.4dmobileapp, field format mismatch causes a crash during data synchronization. 18 R6 18.4 HF1
ACI0101625 The command 'MAIL CONVERT FROM MIME' with type multipart\alternative return a wrong body encoding 18 R6 18.4 HF1
ACI0101628 Hierarchical list object doesn't accept "Form.var" notation in "variable or expression" attribute 18 R6 18.4 HF1
ACI0101630 When printing labels, it happens that only a few records per row are printed instead of taking benefit of the whole page width. 18 R6 18.4
ACI0101635 Crash when executing Compare Strings in a component 18 R6
ACI0101636 the icons inside the WP toolbar are blurry on a 4K/5K display 18 R6
ACI0101643 Unexpected error "total size of local variabl exceeded 32kb" when compiling. 18 R6 18.4
ACI0101647 Application gets corrupted when zipped by 'Zip create archive' command on macOS. 18.4 HF3
ACI0101654 4D View Pro: : the command 'VP SET CELL STYLE' with null object does not reset the stylesheet when this one is applied from the ribbon interface. 18 R6 18.4 HF3
ACI0101659 4D Write Pro import of 4D Write documents may crash the application. 18.4 HF1
ACI0101664 SHOW PROCESS brings process window to frontmost level 18.4 HF1
ACI0101665 When executing 'PRINT SELECTION' on a server that is running as a service to create a PDF file, the print action doesn't complete properly: a pdf file with no content is created (0 Kb). 18
ACI0101675 '4D Write' to '4D Write Pro' conversion does not take into account the option "fixed size" 18 R6 18.4 HF1
ACI0101676 4D Write Pro: Anchored pictures should be ordered by their z-level order from backmost to frontmost picture 18 R6 18.4 HF1
ACI0101680 4D command 'Is picture file': The use with or without the star parameter ("*") is reversed. 18.4 HF1
ACI0101681 4D View Pro: Insert date in a cell take the format 'mm/dd/yy' instead of 'dd/mm/yy' even if we have the correct format in getCultureInfo() 18 R6 18.4 HF1
ACI0101683 'METHOD SET CODE' command does not copy constants for form event "On Load" for table form method. 18.4 HF3
ACI0101684 In some cases using the command 'SET EXTERNAL DATA PATH' produces orphaned blobs which are detected through the MSC after verify data. 18.5 HF1
ACI0101690 "Error -20010 Bad usage of a pointer on an variable", in a form when run compiled with many processes running for quite a long time. 18 R6 18.4 HF1
ACI0101691 MAIL Convert to MIME: unexpected underscore in Content-Type 18.5 HF1
ACI0101696 'Controller form window' behaves unexpectedly as 'Plain form window' with 'Open form window' command. The window kind should be a floating window. 18.4 HF1
ACI0101698 Cannot open project file of converted binary database, if old automatic comments contain characters not valid for XML 1.0. 18.4 HF3
ACI0101699 4D View Pro: 'VP Convert from' does not convert 4D view document properly. An empty grid with truncated columns is shown. 18 R6 18.4 HF1
ACI0101700 Syntax error when opening the report-editor Quick report 18 R6
ACI0101701 ORDA: when executing an orderByFormula function on an entitySelection, the message "Stack is full" could appear on the Server. Compiled mode only. 18 R6 18.4 HF1
ACI0101706 Since v18 R5, launching in a loop a same code in a new process may lead the Runtime Explorer to show the same process ID for all the processes created. 18 R6
ACI0101708 Change in Maximize then back to Windowed Behavior 18.4 HF1
ACI0101715 Euro symbol not correctly rendered in the display format for a drop-down list object 18.4 HF1
ACI0101716 Alpha format display not rendered in a drop-down or a combobox objects 18.4 HF1
ACI0101717 ORDA: Calling a member function-formula with the 4D command 'This' crashes 4D. 18 R6
ACI0101719 ORDA: in client-server and after a remote connection from the 4D Server to another database, the ds member function returned a reference about the remote database instead of the current (local) 4D database. 18.4 HF1
ACI0101720 4D Write old to 4D Write Pro conversion: font style with "Medium" in font name is ignored 18.4 HF1
ACI0101721 4D may crash on mac Platform when running the command 'Mail convert from mime'. 18 R6 18.4 HF1
ACI0101723 An invisible pop-up dropdown list object doesn't display correctly the elements of the list (it displays "!" instead). Project mode only. 18.4 HF1
ACI0101724 Display format property should not be available in the JSON Property list Editor for a not rendered popup 18.4 HF1
ACI0101739 4D Remote may unexpectedly create a new ressource folder when synchronisation between Client and server is running. 18 R6
ACI0101744 4D Write Pro: after a conversion from 4D Write to 4D Write Pro, there is a confusion between paragraph style and character style, which damages the conversion/import. 18.5
ACI0101748 On Windows system, Turkish regional format leads 4D v18 R5 to crash when displaying a property list. Binary mode only. 18 R6
ACI0101761 When using 'COMPRESS BLOB' and 'EXPAND BLOB' on a small amount of text, 'EXPAND BLOB' doesn't properly expand the blob. 18.4 HF3
ACI0101766 Concatenation of styled text with any simple text may crash 4D. 18.5
ACI0101782 When maximizing a form window within a MDI window, and try to resize this MDI window, the form object will be resized in a messy way. 18.4 HF3
ACI0101785 When you try to type in a Japanese text that includes a space into a form object, it will erase the text you typed in.
ACI0101786 3D Buttons are greyed out when the window is in the background. 18 R6 18.4 HF3
ACI0101793 Structural modifications (as SQL create table, drop table...) are not persistent if the structure editor is not invoked 18.4 HF2
ACI0101794 Local variable stored in a web process with no session option doesn’t work correctly 18 R6
ACI0101796 Transaction state not respected in a 'execute on server' method (stored procedure) when a query is called before or in transaction. 18 R6 18.4 HF3
ACI0101799 When form within subform has object method to open another form window, other records could disappear in subform 18.5 HF1
ACI0101801 4D Write Pro: Font 'Futura condensed' turns into font 'Helvetica regular' after a conversion from 4D Write to 4D Write Pro. 18.4 HF3
ACI0101807 Exchanged plugin version on the server is no more transferred to the client
ACI0101809 Double click on underscore separated words does no more select all underscore separated words 18 R6
ACI0101810 Form event 'On Data Change' doesn't work correctly when applied on a boolean array listbox.
ACI0101812 Crash upon inserting a method containing "WP INSERT TABLE" 18.4 HF3
ACI0101813 Static text fields display text improperly when height of text is greater than the height of the static text field. 18.4 HF3
ACI0101821 reload() does not work if the entity was from a newly created entitySelection
ACI0101822 Abort process from Explorer execution window is not working 18 R6
ACI0101832 The progress bar in 'barber shop' mode doesn't animate when it takes the value 1. 18.4 HF3
ACI0101837 Conversion into project mode issue with a user-defined filter format
ACI0101838 Conversion into project mode issue: inherited form cannot be selected
ACI0101840 Conversion into project issue with "pathname" property of a picture button
ACI0101843 Pasting invalid characters such as '0xFFFF' or '0xFFFE' from html are misinterpreted in a styled text area (or in 4D Write Pro). 18.4 HF3
ACI0101848 TypeAhead in method editor does not work with all methods when a Compiler_xxx' method exist
ACI0101849 'Open window' does not open a window for every call if window shall open on a 2nd screen. 18.5 HF1
ACI0101851 4D Write Pro: 'WP EXPORT DOCUMENT' does not export pictures to PDF on Windows.
ACI0101854 New Session created each time after 'STOP/START WEB SERVER' instead of re-using it. Scalable session only. No problem with Legacy session mode. 18 R6
ACI0101860 Setting font family for paragraph numbering in 4D Write Pro brings an unexpected error (#205). 18.4 HF3
ACI0101862 Server update ('RESTART 4D') not working with server as Windows service if service name starts with a number
ACI0101863 OB Entries(cs) length (count of cs entries) is not correct in Client/Server mode (On Startup Method)
ACI0101871 entitySelection.max/min/average returns null for record having a null value
ACI0101873 4D Write Pro Inserting a reference via upper widget does not work correctly 18.5 HF1
ACI0101875 Call in 'On Before keystroke' event, 'Get edited text' function returns the contents of the area BEFORE the last keystroke occurred but, since 18R5, it unfortunately also returns the 'keystroke'.
ACI0101878 Despite the fields index is set to b-tree, loading a newer data file may set the index to “automatic”. 19 R2 18.5 HF1
ACI0101887 Clicking on a combo-box triggers 'On Activate' and 'On Deactivate' events on Windows system. 18.4 HF3
ACI0101900 PDF attachment is missing when using the IMAP Transporter 18.5
ACI0101901 4D View Pro: all categories do not contain the correct list of functions in the French version 18.4 HF3
ACI0101908 MIME Convert from text/blob does not include text only message
ACI0101909 A Compile error happen with ORDER BY FORMULA
ACI0101910 A Runtime error could occured when accessing a field when no current record loaded, with a compiled component
ACI0101921 The constant 'sk width insensitive' of the command 'Compare strings' make the comparison still sensitive between 2 characters, one with Dakuten and the second with Handakuten.
ACI0101922 Let a form with multiple pages, in Project mode, with a web area in page 1. Going back to page 1 from another page may make the web area invisible. macOS only.
ACI0101927 Bug in query on empty entity selection with empty collection
ACI0101931 Cannot select, on macOS, a tab control item when the tab control is of "object" expression type and drawn as a drop down list
ACI0101933 4D View Pro: the command 'VP Convert to picture' using floating picture throws an error on Mac Silicon. 19 R2
ACI0101934 4D View Pro: the conversion of a 4D View Pro document that contains floating picture to SVG returns turncated picture.
ACI0101937 Label with slash throws error
ACI0101941 4D View Pro: the conversion of a 4D View Pro document, that contains merged cells, to SVG does not work properly.
ACI0101952 'Encrypt data BLOB' and 'Decrypt data BLOB' are not thread-safe, but documentation says they are.
ACI0101954 APPLY TO SELECTION raise a Syntax error with pointer on local variable as parameter to method
ACI0101958 Each 'HTTP GET' may create a repeated 'Handle' and does not release it. 18.5 HF1
ACI0101962 Remote Debugger may lead to a crash when using legacy network.
ACI0101964 'EXECUTE FORMULA' generates a runtime error despite an error handler is installed (with 'ON ERR CALL').
ACI0101966 XML keys "CommonCopyright", "RuntimeVLCopyright" and "ServerCopyright" doesn't allow to set properly the copyright of a builded application. 19 R2
ACI0101969 dot-Stuffing does not properly work with US-ASCII mails 18.5 HF1
ACI0101971 ALP Advanced Properties do not show the ALP columns anymore
ACI0101979 IMAP transporter search method does not search in the BODY of Gmail correctly when you search for a Japanese text
ACI0101980 4D Write Pro HTML export or HTML from MIME export behave differently when stylesheets are present
ACI0101983 When encrypting data, Text, BLOB, Picture and Object fields stored in the data file is not properly encrypted. 18.5
ACI0101987 'EXPORT TEXT' will permanently use shortest date format after you modify in property list or export to project 18.5 HF1
ACI0101996 Automatic length control of an alphanumeric fields doesn't work correctly in Project mode. 18.5 HF1
ACI0101999 ORDER BY FORMULA returns an error when an array index passed in parameter is out of the bound and the selection is empty
ACI0102008 Listbox: if footer calculates the sum of an related entity, "This" changes
ACI0102013 Regression: the folder separator (//or :) is deleted at the end of the web folder's path
ACI0102015 Picture Pop Up doesn't correctly show the selected element on Windows
ACI0102017 Text in 'Database settings' dialog is extremly un-readable in dark mode.
ACI0102021 A crash could occured if executing a compact with "force updating of records", when a record contains a 4D Write Pro document with formulas
ACI0102022 Splitter color not exported into project mode 18.5 HF1
ACI0102024 Encrypting when no record on a table leads to make appear unexpectedly a yellow triangle. 19 R2 18.5 HF1
ACI0102026 A deadlock could happen with EntitySelection.drop() when the drop was performed on all the records of the table 18.5
ACI0102034 Object class is lost when receiving object from Server
ACI0102035 When a 4D v18 catalog is opened with 4D v19, every <tip> tag is modified to add a return before the closing tag. This makes proper version control impossible when working with multiple versions because it creates thousands of changes in the catalog file. 19 R2
ACI0102040 clone() and reload() of an entity reloaded also the original entity in C/S only
ACI0102046 Show all data classes does not work on 4D Remote (4D Client and 4D server in different machines)
ACI0102053 'GET HIGHLIGHT' command returns a value incremented by 1, every time the command is called 19.0 HF1
ACI0102058 The way a group information is added to JSON Form may be not suitable for a source control: it is not added in alphabetical order 18.5 HF1
ACI0102067 Bad display of a tab control under MacOS
ACI0102093 4D Write Pro: SVG pictures created by programming are no more displayed when exported to PDF.
ACI0102107 In Explorer window, information list of fields does not populate when going through the 'Home' tab. 19 R2
ACI0102110 Exporting binary structure to project creates faulty catalog.4DCatalog
ACI0102227 Check boxes created with very old 4D versions are unexpectedly converted as none-enterable check boxes 19 R2 19.0 HF1
ACI0101460 Special characters ("é", "ê", "ë", "â") are not displayed correctly with the command "IMAP_MsgLst" 18.4
ACI0101483 4D Internet Commands: : Error #-38 for 'POP3_MsgLst' with Umlauts in path name. 18 R6 18.4
ACI0101486 4D Internet Commands: Error #-38 for 'IMAP_MsgLst' with umlauts in path name. 18 R5 18 R6 18.4
ACI0101534 4D Internet Commands: The 'MSG_Extract' command no longer extracts attachments to place them in the attachments folder. 18 R6 18.4
ACI0101617 4D may crash when extracting a mail with the command 'MSG_Extract'; on macOS only. 18.4 HF1
ACI0101831 4D Internet Commands: 'MSG_GetBody' fails with diacritical characters in plain text.
ACI0101839 4D Internet Commands: 'MSG_GetBody' returns an empty text instead of the text of an eml message. 18.5 HF1
ACI0101916 ODBC Pro plugin commands doesn't execute correctly when called inside a compiled component