All Products 16.0 HF2 - Fixed bugs

Reference Summary Fixed also with
ACI0095576 Incorrect file extension is assigned when 'Select document' is used with file name entry option. 15.4 HF3
ACI0089884 'ST SET PLAIN TEXT' command does not convert characters "&", "<" and ">". 15.4 HF2
ACI0095351 'JSON TO SELECTION' returns wrong values if date fields are parsed. 15.4 HF2
ACI0096008 'HTTP Client' trims the URL string if it finds a semicolon. 15.4 HF2
ACI0096142 Can't save a logical operator modification in a saved query file. 15.4 HF2
ACI0096313 Query editor loses query formula after editing a saved query file (.4df). 15.4 HF2
ACI0096360 GRAPH: unexpected same ids in SVG (64bit only) for draws lines and bullets. 16 R2
ACI0096424 Forms superposition after a call to "MODIFY SELECTION" and a load of a record belonging to another table. 15.4 HF2
ACI0096425 4D could crash when you want to examine the OBJECT variable or to deploy the process variables list in the left pane of the Debugger window. 15.4 HF2
ACI0096434 Pasting SQL instructions block into a project method makes 4D to quit unexpectedly. 15.4 HF2
ACI0096443 Unexpected error #87 when switching from 4D Write pro area to a text field. 15.4 HF2
ACI0096451 'SET QUERY AND LOCK' with a 'QUERY' performed on index as first parameter then sequential in second one, could return bad result if a record found through the index was already locked. 15.4 HF2
ACI0096461 The 'ALERT' dialog does not allow access to the debugger using the Alt+Shift+Right Click (Win) or Control+Option+Right Click. 15.4 HF2
ACI0096481 In engined/built application, the icon of the application doesn't appear correctly at expected places. 15.4 HF2
ACI0096485 'TRACE' command or break point in the code doesn't show the debugger on 4D Server. 16 R2
ACI0096493 When a lot of REST requests are made to a Server in a context of low Mobile Connections License, the server may quit unexpectedly. 15.4 HF2
ACI0096496 'SET QUERY AND LOCK' Still locking records after 'CANCEL TRANSACTON' when the records found sequentially was not already in the cache. 15.4 HF2
ACI0096507 A crash can occur when attempting to display a window (e.g. calling 4D commands like 'ALERT') when not being in Direct2D mode (Typically, an application as a Windows service can run in that mode). 15.4 HF2
ACI0096512 Cursor is set on password area instead of user name area when users list option is set to not be displayed. 15.4 HF2
ACI0096520 Page expressions in 4D Write Pro returning error in compiled mode
ACI0096539 Umlauts will not be converted correctly with the command 'HTTP request'. 15.4 HF2
ACI0096544 The command 'Get 4D folder' returns wrong path when using the constant 'Data folder'.